Fancy Green

Diamonds with green shades are so difficult to find that many people don’t know of their existence. They are often confused with other precious gemstones such as emeralds. Its rare color is almost impossible to find in nature and only a few are introduced to the market every year.

They are mainly extracted in mines in Africa and South America. Despite not being as scarce as the Fancy Pink, Blue, or Red, the stones that have a good-quality and color to become gems, represent a minimum percentage.

Its green hue is caused by exposure to natural radiation during its formation process. Radiation affects the carbon’s atomic structure, creating vacancies in the diamond lattice. These vacancies absorb blue and red light, causing it to reflect in green hues.

In most of these diamonds, the color is usually located on the surface of the stone. The design and cut must be carefully studied to preserve it. In some cases, the color is in a very thin layer on the shallow “skin” of the piece, in cases like this, a rough Fancy Green can become colorless after its cut.

Identifying, where the coloration comes from, has proven to be a hard task for gemologists. Some diamonds are treated by accurately replicating the natural processes in a lab, achieving the green hues. Recognizing a natural color from an artificial one, is considered a challenge.

Even on occasions, when cutting these stones, the polisher leaves an unpolished area between the girdle and the pavilion, making it easier for the gemologist to recognize it as natural and providing the diamond with its appropriate certification.

Intensity of Green

As with all colored diamonds, the intensity of its color determines the value of the stone. They are graded by the GIA in: Faint Green, Very Light Green, Light Green, Fancy Light Green, Fancy Green, Fancy Intense Green and Fancy Vivid, Fancy Deep or Fancy Dark Green.

Secondary Colors

The green color can have, as well, a modifying secondary hue that is mostly one or a combination of two of the following: Yellow, Grey, Blue, Orange, and Brown.

Of the Fancy Green diamonds reviewed in the last decade by the GIA, mostly have been yellow, yellowish-green, or pure green.

Buying a Fancy Green diamond without secondary hues and within the highest grades of intensity usually means a significant investment (and a challenge to find). If you wish to acquire one of these beautiful jewels and get more options to fit your budget, betting on lighter hues is the best choice.

The Dresden Green 

The Dresden Green is an incredible, three-centuries-old diamond with a Fancy Vivid intensity and 41 carats of weight. It has a record dating back to 1722 and was presumed to be found in India years earlier.

It was cut into an oval shape and its clarity is VS1 with the potential to become Flawless if it’s recut. In addition to these qualities, it was classified as Type IIa, which is assigned only to the most chemically-pure diamonds.

The Dresden Diamond also stands out for the uniformity of its color, which is a true rarity in a Fancy Green of natural origin.

It is the centerpiece of an antique hat ornament and is currently on display at the Dresden Castle in Germany. The desire to admire this wonderful jewel has been so that it had to be traveled through museums around the world for its exhibition.


A Green Love

Fancy Green is not a commonly used diamond for engagement rings, however, its unique beauty can bring incomparably gorgeous pieces to life.

Diamonds with green hues have a meaning of life, nature, and prosperity. Starting your engagement with this precious stone can mark the beginning of a new life with whom you love.